1. It improves self-esteem. “It has brought a new level of happiness for me personally, and has helped my self-esteem knowing that after two kids, my husband still thinks I’m sexy.” – married 6 years 2. It’s a guaranteed mood booster. “He sings in the shower after morning sex, nearly every time. This is all the proof I need that sex is a mood enhancer for him. And I’d like to think that good mood carries over into other parts of his day. I love knowing that I’m the reason he’s smiling at work.” married 12 yrs. 3. If you use it, you won’t lose it. “If sex is such a large part of your routine and a big priority, it never becomes low priority or gets weird or awkward. And you won’t have to worry about how to resume or reconnect. Just don’t ever stop doing it!” 4. You might end up arguing less. “We know when something is off with each other. And most importantly, we don’t f...