In spite of the fact that most of the Ijebu foods are tuber-related such as Ikokore, Ojojo, Ebiripo etc, the process of cooking these tuber varieties with special sauces makes them nutritionally rich and appropriate for all occasions.
Ebiripo is a typical Ijebu cocoyam meal that can be cooked in various ways and spiced up to make a balanced diet. Cocoyam is purely carbohydrates and poor in other nutrients but many have now found ways to make the roots nutritious by adding soya beans while making Ebiripo.
According to a study by Sowonola O. A. Et al, from the Federal College of Agriculture, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Oyo State, “The combination of cocoyam and soyabeans in the processing of Ebiripo will bring about nutrient complement ability”.
They submitted in their findings that Ebiripo fortified with 40% soya flour was significantly 28% higher in protein and 8.4% higher in fat than the other Ebiripo samples.
Ingredients needed for a Nutritious Ebiripo
Soya beans
Ground fresh Pepper
Ground Crayfish.
Banana or Cocoyam leaves for wrapping.
An important lifestyle of any society is their food. The Ijebus, a tribe in Ogun State, South-West region of Nigeri and some part of Lagos state like Epe and Ikorodu are known for their peculiar delicacies which centre mainly on tubers such as cocoyam, cassava and water yam.
Peel and grate or ground the Cocoyam into paste, add soya beans flour and mix thoroughly.
Then add little water depending on the quantity or size of the paste to make it lighter, fluffy and easy to pack. Add salt to taste, pepper and ground crayfish and mix thoroughly.
Wash the leaves thoroughly to prevent dirts.
Scoop into a folded banana or Cocoyam leaf.
Arrange the Ebiripo inside a big pot and steam for about an hour.
Bring down to cool, and serve with Egusi soup or vegetable soup of your choice.
The fact that Soya bean is common, readily affordable and rich in protein, oil and essential nutrients changes the taste of Ebiripo when it is added to cocoyam and makes the meal more nutritious than just Cocoyam alone. The high protein content of soya bean is already proven to help in reducing the problem of malnutrition.
1 . The name “crabs” refers to the crab-like appearance of public lice. The louse has a rounded body, six legs, some of which have claws which help it hang onto coarse pubic hair. 2. The most common symptom of crabs is itching in the pubic area. This itching is caused by an allergic reaction to the bites, and usually starts about five days after a person gets crabs. 3. Much like head lice, crabs cannot jump; they crawl from one host to another. 4. Pubic lice found on children’s eyelashes may be a sign of sexual exposure or abuse. 5. When you have pubic lice, it’s advisable to get tested for other STI’s. A check-up is usually recommended as a precaution. 6. The “ITCH” usually start at night because pubic lice tend to burrow when their host isn’t moving around too much. 7. Excessive scratching has been found to cause secondary bacterial infections. 8. The only other animal known to be affected by this wingless terror is th...
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