In spite of the fact that most of the Ijebu foods are tuber-related such as Ikokore, Ojojo, Ebiripo etc, the process of cooking these tuber varieties with special sauces makes them nutritionally rich and appropriate for all occasions. Ebiripo is a typical Ijebu cocoyam meal that can be cooked in various ways and spiced up to make a balanced diet. Cocoyam is purely carbohydrates and poor in other nutrients but many have now found ways to make the roots nutritious by adding soya beans while making Ebiripo. According to a study by Sowonola O. A. Et al, from the Federal College of Agriculture, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Oyo State, “The combination of cocoyam and soyabeans in the processing of Ebiripo will bring about nutrient complement ability”. They submitted in their findings that Ebiripo fortified with 40% soya flour was significantly 28% higher in protein and 8.4% higher in fat than the other Ebiripo samples. Ingredients needed for a Nutritious Ebiripo Cocoyam Soya beans Ground fresh P...