My problem with this is that I don’t want a lock screen password or pin on my device. I think that if you are storing your VPN password, then I could understand the need for the security and at that point be prompted to require a lock screen pin or password. Additionally, configuration of the VPN was extremely difficult as compared to my experience with IOS. It took a couple Google searches to find other people struggling with the same issue. Eventually I figured out how to setup my VPN and everything worked as it should. The one thing I did notice is that Android supports more VPN connection types that the IOS based iPhone. Needless to say I am happy that my VPN is working but still I am disappointed that I have a lock screen now. I don’t store anything confidential nor store my passwords for anything I connect to. After getting my VPN configured I did a Google search on the matter and found that I am not the only one who finds this annoying. The good news i...