From busy schedules to jaded pasts, sometimes it’s hard to show your love. When you’re knee-deep in a relationship, you and your partner can become so comfortable, you’ll forget how to show how much you care. Yeah, you might say a quick, “I love you,” on the way out, but it’s become such a routine its true meaning is diminishing. Before you and your partner become bitter at the not-so-thoughtful gestures of love (as in, just saying the words, but not showing it), it’s time to get creative.
There are all kinds of ways to remind your boyfriend that you love him. These little gestures do not need to cost money or take a lot of time. Basically, they keep the romance alive and show him that you are thinking about him when you are not together. If you don’t regularly do this, the following list will give you ideas of ways to remind your boyfriend that you love him.
Do you like to do sweet little things to make your guy know you love him? If so, what is the most unique or unusual way you show him you care?
A sentimental gift, given on a day that is not a holiday or his birthday, is one of the easiest ways to remind your boyfriend that you love him. This gift doesn't have to be elaborate or expensive. You don’t need a special reason to give him a gift, other than the fact that you love him. It could be as simple as a funny t-shirt or book that reminded you of him. The amount of money you spend doesn't matter
Do you ever just text your guy to remind him that you love him? Sending a sweet little text message shows him that he was on your mind. These texts don’t necessarily need to be long or dramatic. Just a quick “I love you” text is enough to show you care. You like receiving sweet texts, right? It only makes sense that he would enjoy receiving them, too.
Many guys like a little bit of PDA. When the two of you are out together, playfully show him some public displays of affection. This can be as simple as squeezing his hand or patting his knee. Show the world that you are proud to be with this guy. As long as you don’t go overboard with it, a little bit of PDA shows him that you love him.
When was the last time you took an interest in your guy’s friends? Even if they are annoying at times, don’t diss his buddies. After all, if your guy likes them, they must have some admirable qualities. When you alienate his friends, your guy will always feel like he has to choose between you and them. By taking an interest in his friends, it shows your boyfriend that you respect that part of his life.
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