Two naked men were caught on camera having a sexy good time on a busy train platform .
Smartphones... they may be driving us all insane, but they at least let you capture WTF moments like this. These two guys stripped naked and frolicked around on the platform on the Flinders Street station in Melbourne, Australia at around 11:00 PM on a Saturday night.
The station was crowded with commuters. The men had carried with them two potted plant stolen from outside of Melbourne Town Hall.
Maybe they were using the potted plants as a disguise? Like camouflage? They either didn't know or didn't care that everyone could see them, because the couple began having sex among the plants.
Samantha Lenkic told the Daily Mail she witnessed the pair along with dozens of people on the platforms, including an elderly woman who yelled at them. She said, "I've never seen anything like it, I was stunned... it was quite gross and not clearly something I want to see," Adding, "Others were shocked, some people were laughing watching it all unfold."
Yeah, I'm in the laughing category.
1 . The name “crabs” refers to the crab-like appearance of public lice. The louse has a rounded body, six legs, some of which have claws which help it hang onto coarse pubic hair. 2. The most common symptom of crabs is itching in the pubic area. This itching is caused by an allergic reaction to the bites, and usually starts about five days after a person gets crabs. 3. Much like head lice, crabs cannot jump; they crawl from one host to another. 4. Pubic lice found on children’s eyelashes may be a sign of sexual exposure or abuse. 5. When you have pubic lice, it’s advisable to get tested for other STI’s. A check-up is usually recommended as a precaution. 6. The “ITCH” usually start at night because pubic lice tend to burrow when their host isn’t moving around too much. 7. Excessive scratching has been found to cause secondary bacterial infections. 8. The only other animal known to be affected by this wingless terror is th...
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